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Prime ESC Logo

☑️ Provides accurate reports that save time during an audit

☑️ Instantly provide prescription delivery information to technicians or pharmacists

☑️ Increase efficiency, cost effectiveness, and adherence by providing detailed prescription delivery information: who picked up their medications, what date, time, and the number of prescriptions that were picked up by that patient

☑️ One signature for multiple prescription

☑️ Reports available for all prescriptions not collected during certain dates

Prime ESC Debit Machine

What should we know about PrimeEsc?

PrimeESC can be used in the following ways: Stand-alone ( PrimeRxTM): Pharmacy can obtain HIPAA signatures and prescription signatures collected without the PrimePOS system. Integrated (PrimeRx + PrimePOS): The pharmacy can obtain HIPAA signatures and signatures of collected prescriptions integrated at the point of sale.

More details about Prime POS, Integrated Mode (with PrimeRx + PrimePOS):

☑️ Capture signatures for HIPAA (NOPP)

☑️ Capture signatures from collected prescriptions

☑️ Capture sales signatures for products containing pseudoephedrine (PSE)

☑️ Process payments with credit cards, debit cards, and/or FSMA/IIAS Transactions

☑️ Process payments with cards with the EMV chip

☑️ Process payments through various NFC devices, including Apple Pay and Android Pay

☑️ It will act as a screen so that customers can see all the elements of the row in a transaction

aumente ingreso

Increase Income

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Technical Support 24/7

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Optimize your operations

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